Newton-Wellesley Hospital
Hospitals/Urgent Care
Rep/Contact Info
Dodie Bump
Ms. Carol Donoian
Asst to Dr Gordan
- Phone: (617) 243-6245
- Fax: (617) 243-5006
Dan Gross
Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Gerry Hadley
Patrick Jordan
Sr. V.P. for Admin.
Ms. Lauren Lele
Sr. Director, Community Health and Volunteer Services
- Phone: (617) 243-6330
- Send an Email
Mr. Ron Ponte
Community Partnerships
- Phone: (617) 243-6088
Pat Schindeler
Beth Taylor
Dir. of Human Resources
Ms. Juanita Trigilio
Public Affairs & Mkt.
- Phone: (617) 243-6792